Beating Cancer, one day at a time

Beating Cancer, one day at a time

Monday, 27 April 2015

Balancing Act

It's taken me a while to write a new entry. I've found myself consumed by the idea of blogging. Always questioning what the next topic should be, or what I want to share with the world. Like most things these days, I'm over thinking it. Trying to find balance between documenting my journey and actually enjoying it.

A lot has happened since I last wrote about my Cancerversary. I was finally able to get out of bed and have some fun. The past few weeks have been filled with friends, family, and more memories than I would normally have experienced in months. It's all about enjoying the moments when I'm feeling well, and lately that's been the two out of three weeks between Chemo treatments.

The reason I haven't blogged is simple, I've been out enjoying my time. Like anything you do in life, balance is key. While most of you learn to juggle work, friends, chores, etc. My time is managed quite the same way, just with different priorities. My full time job is Cancer.

I've been doing chemo now for over a year and slowly starting to understand my routine. I've become accustomed to the idea that in order to survive, I need to endure the pain. While the bad days are rough, I find solace in the idea that it too shall pass in a matter of days. Allowing me to feel better in between my treatments.

Honestly, that is one of the only things that does get me through. Knowing the side effects will eventually subside a little and allow me to feel "normal." As a Cancer survivor you cling onto that idea. That while we may never be able to think and act like most, we're still allowed our good days. Those good days, no matter how few and far between, is what keeps us going. Those moments, even hours, where we forget we're sick and focus on being happy.

I'm always far too hard on myself, constantly pushing my boundaries. They've told me to go home and make memories but how can I do that if I'm stuck in bed? Where do you draw the line between taking care of yourself vs. enjoying your time? Trying to prolong your life while still allowing quality of life.

For me, it's all about tempering expectations as I move forward. Right now, I know I need to stay in bed for a few days. I prepare for that. Whether I chose to write, sleep it off, or watch movies for three days, I'm ready. Because I know within the week I'll be able to leave the house, see friends and live. I'm no good to anyone, including myself, if I'm not feeling well. It's important to learn your limits and not be afraid to put your foot down.

I guess everyone has their own sense of balance. I keep envisioning a tightrope walker juggling multiple balls in the air. You don't have to be sick to appreciate the idea of keeping everything in motion. That even when you lose a ball you continue the act, accommodating for the shift in weight. And allowing yourself to fall, because it's how you get back up that matters. Taking the good with the bad and basking in the laughter as the crowd cheers you on.

Thank you for not only cheering me on, but for giving me a reason to get back up. For the messages when I'm stuck in bed and the time spent together when I'm feeling good. It's taken a year but I feel like I'm starting to finally get better with my footwork. Life really is a balancing act, and I'm hoping for a very long rope.


  1. Wow Nicole you are incredible! Not only are you a true inspiration and an absolute trooper, you are a very talented writer as well! I absolutely love and appreciate your analogies. Stay strong and keep your balance but if you do happen to stumble or trip and fall, know that you have the entire world cheering for you to get back up!!! Xo

  2. Hey girl - I just saw your story on People. Your story is touching and I'm enjoying your website. My story is similar - first time BC at 27 then back again at 33. I've been living with it for 5 years and it's spread to my lungs. Trying not to go back on chemo I met some survivors last year that have healed themselves with other methods. I too went the traditional route and am getting ready to go to Mexico for science based immune boosting therapies. I would never want to offer false hope but I just wanted to share some websites. Shannon is awesome and I am Anna on her angels for Shannon website. The other is Never give up!! Hugs, Anna

  3. I am a survivor too. Many prayers and blessings to you. FIGHT like a girl, never give up :-)

  4. I admire your courage to write down your journey and thoughts. You have a way with words! I can totally relate to the balance between sick and normal. Finally I realized this is my "normal" after a breakdown or two with my Mom and co-workers. You and everyone around you, start to learn the routines of treatment, sick days and good days. After 3 1/2 years, treatment every 2 weeks, it gets easier to deal with.
    It sounds like you're totally getting it down to routine, you're feeling better and you still have a positive attitude! You're amazing!
